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Youth Mental Health Training for CHWs

Category: Mental Health


Are you currently working as a CHW or in a similar health related field and would like additional training? The goal of this training is to educate CHWs and other front-line health workers to equip them with foundational community and youth mental health knowledge and available resources to utilize when working with individuals. This is a free, online training that you will take at your own pace. Once you complete all of the modules, you will receive a certificate recognizing that you have completed the Youth Mental Health for CHWs. The series includes two modules.

  1. Foundations of Community Mental Health
  2. Youth Mental Health, Positive Youth Development, and Mental Health Resources

The Youth Mental Health for Community Health Workers offers an introduction to mental health and youth mental health.


Intended Audience

Community Health Workers or those fulfilling a community health worker role.

Pre-requisites/Learning Level

Ability to read and understand spoken English.


Learning Goal & Objectives

The goal of this training is to educate CHWs and other front-line health workers to equip them with foundational community and youth mental health knowledge and available resources to utilize when working with individuals.

Module 1: Foundations of Community Mental Health Learning Objectives


  • Define key concepts and contributors to mental health
  • Identify challenges and opportunities to mental health at the community level
  • Recognize evidence-based interventions to address mental health

Module 2: Youth Mental Health, Positive Youth Development, & Mental Health Resources Learning Objectives

  • Identify key challenges in mental health for youth
  • Define core concepts and strategies of Positive Youth Development (PYD) to address mental health
  • Access existing national, state, and local referral pathways and resources for mental health


Competencies Addressed


CEUs Offered

CEUs are not available for this training.


Free - there is no cost for this training.


Online self-paced, on demand.


The total length of both modules is estimated to take about 1 hour.


This free training was made possible through funding from the Youth Mental Health Corps, a Schultz Foundation Grant Program.

Creation Date

May 2024 to December 2024


Open Learning

Our Full, Open Training Catalog is available to anyone in our Open Learning Management System Portal