Links Notice

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Universal Design - Module 5: Workplace Modifications

Category: Disability

Course Summary

There are six sections in this course:

  • Section 1: Today’s Workforce and Beyond
  • Section 2: ADA Accessibility Information
  • Section 3: Master Planning for Accessibility
  • Section 4: Accommodating Specific Employee Needs
  • Section 5: Tax Provisions for Improving Accessibility
  • Section 6: Products and Resources

There are review questions at the end of section 1 to 4. These review questions will provide you with an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills presented in these sections. There is a post-test at the end of the course.

For a full description of requirements for receiving a Certificate of Completion, please go to the "Certificate of Completion" page.

Intended Audience

This course is designed for individual employees and employers interested in accessible work environments.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this module, participants will be able to:

  • Discussthe changing demographics and implications in the work environment, especially for seniors and people with disabilities
  • Discussthe Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines and general compliance
  • Discussthe workplace modifications for employee specific situations
  • Discussthe site considerations such as parking, accessible routes and restrooms
  • Provide information regarding tax incentives for modifications and compliance
  • Provideinformation regarding products, materials, and resources


Pre-requisites/Learning Level

No pre-requisites

Competencies addressed

Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals identified

Domain 2: Policy Development/Program Planning Skills

  • 2A8. Implements policies, programs, and services
  • 2A10. Gathers information for evaluating policies, programs, and services (e.g., outputs, outcomes, processes, procedures, return on investment)

Domain 4: Cultural Competency Skills

  • 4A3. Describes the ways diversity may influence polices, programs, services, and the health of a community
  • 4A5. Addresses the diversity of individuals and populations when implementing policies, programs, and services that affect the health of a community

CEUs Offered





Online Self-Pace


1 hour

Presenter(s) and/or Content Experts

Kelly Dinges

Technical requirements:

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 
  • Flash Player 
  • Speakers

Registration requirements

Register a free account

Creation and/or update

May 1, 2013

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