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Recognizing Cultural Influences on Food Beliefs and Practices

Category: Cultural Competency

Course Summary

There are four sections in this course:

  • Section 1: Cultural Competence
  • Section 2: Feeding/Eating Practices
  • Section 3: Resources

There are review questions at the end of each section. These review questions will provide you with an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills presented in these sections. At the end of the course there are scenario and game activities to be used as tool for reinforcing the materials learned in this course. The post-test provided at the end of the course,  It is required to pass the post-test with a score of 80% or above in order to complete the entire course. 

Intended Audience

WIC CPAs (competent professional authorities) who perform nutrition assessments for WIC participants

Learning Objectives:

Section 1: Cultural Competence

Upon completion of this part, you will be able to:

  • Define cultural competence and why it is necessary in practice
  • Provide examples of eating practices from various cultures, specifically in the context of the WIC food package
  • Identify resources, at the local and national levels, that enable WIC personnel and any health care provider to improve services to diverse participants

Section 2: Feeding/Eating Practices

Upon completion of this part, you will be able to:

  • Identify feeding/eating practices and beliefs common to different cultures.
  • Distinguish how an individual's culture affects their attitudes towards health and illness with WIC participants
  • Determine what kinds of questions to ask a participant of any culture about their feeding/eating practices and beliefs.
  • Identify how cultural feeding/eating practices and beliefs can affect the WIC food package prescription.

Section 3: Resources

Upon completion of this part, you will be able to:

  • Identify resources, local and/or national, that can be used to learn about different cultures, the types of food they eat, and their food preparation techniques.
  • Locate and access reputable resources that are useful for your own personal knowledge regarding different cultures. knowledge regarding different cultures.
  • Identify reputable culturally appropriate resources, local and/or national, that you can provide to WIC participants so that you are able to be a “resource” for them.

Pre-requisites/Learning Level

No pre-requisites

Competencies addressed

Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals identified

Domain 4: Cultural Competency Skills

  • 4A3. Describes the ways delivery may influence policies, programs, services, and the health of a community
  • 4A5. Addresses the diversity of individuals and populations when implementing policies, programs, and services that affect the health of a community

Contact Hours/CEUs Offered

This course no longer provides continuing education by the Iowa Board of Nursing and the Commission on Dietetic Registration




Online Self-Pace


2 hours

Presenter(s) and/or Content Experts

Nor Hashidah Abd-Hamid, Med, PhD; Urmil Aggarwall, MS, RD, LD; Brenda Dobson, MS, RD, LD; Dena Fife, MA; Pat Hildebrand, MS, RD, LD; Kim Staab, RN; Marilyn Agler, MSW; Janice Edmunds-Wells, MSW; Debra Kibbe, MS; Michele Devlin, DrPH; Mark Grey, PhD

Technical requirements:

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 
  • Speakers

Registration requirements

Register a free account

Creation and/or update

October 19, 2012

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