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Category: Health Communication

purpose of the course is to cover topics that are especially relevant to new
public health administrators. It is hoped that by the end of the course
participants will have enhanced the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need
to be a successful public health administrator.

Intended Audience

Public health administrators and nurse administrators
who are relatively new in their positions (3 years or less) and who seek to
enhance their skills and knowledge

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, you will be
able to:

  • Describe the key considerations in developing a marketing
    strategy for public health.
  • Describe the interdependency of marketing strategy
  • Discuss effective communication techniques and common

Pre-requisites/Learning Level

No pre-requisites

Competencies addressed

Core Competencies for Public Health
Professionals identified:

Domain 3: Communication Skills

  • 3A2. Communicates in writing and orally with linguistic and
    cultural proficiency (e.g., using age-appropriate materials, incorporating
  • 3B2. Communicates in writing and orally with linguistic and cultural
    proficiency (e.g., using age-appropriate materials, incorporating images).
  • 3C2. Communicates in writing and orally with linguistic and cultural
    proficiency (e.g., using age-appropriate materials, incorporating images).
  • 3A4. Suggests approaches for disseminating public health data and information
    (e.g., social media, newspapers, newsletters, journals, town hall meetings, libraries,
    neighborhood gatherings).
  • 3B4. Selects approaches for disseminating public health data and information
    (e.g., social media, newspapers, newsletters, journals, town hall meetings,
    libraries, neighborhood gatherings).
  • 3C4. Evaluates approaches for disseminating public health data and information
    (e.g., social media, newspapers, newsletters, journals, town hall meetings,
    libraries, neighborhood gatherings).
  • 3A5. Conveys data and information to professionals and the public using a
    variety of approaches (e.g., reports, presentations, email, letters).
  • 3B5. Conveys data and information to professionals and the public using a
    variety of approaches (e.g., reports, presentations, email, letters, press
  • 3C5. Conveys data and information to professionals and the public using a
    variety of approaches (e.g., reports, presentations, email, letters, testimony,
    press interviews).
  • 3A6. Communicates information to influence behavior and improve health (e.g.,
    uses social marketing methods, considers behavioral theories such as the Health
    Belief Model or Stages of Change Model).
  • 3B6. Communicates information to influence behavior and improve health (e.g.,
    uses social marketing methods, considers behavioral theories such as the Health
    Belief Model or Stages of Change Model).
  • 3C6. Evaluates strategies for communicating information to influence behavior
    and improve health (e.g., uses social marketing methods, considers behavioral
    theories such as the Health Belief Model or Stages of Change Model).
  • 3A7. Facilitates communication among individuals, groups, and organizations.
  • 3B7. Facilitates communication among individuals, groups, and organizations.
  • 3C7. Facilitates communication among individuals, groups, and organizations.

CEUs Offered





Online Self-Pace


1 hour

Presenter(s) and/or Content

Jennifer Lightbody, MHHA, BA

Technical requirements

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 
  • Flash Player 
  • Speakers

Registration requirements

Register a free account

Creation and/or update

October 18, 2013

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