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Community Partnering: A Risk Assessment and Emergency Operations Planning Scenario

Category: Risk Assessment

This course provides guidance on the fundamentals of community-based planning, from contributing to a risk assessment to developing emergency operations plans (EOP) and engaging the whole community in addressing all risks and hazards. The course is intended for local public health administrators and local county emergency managers.

Intended Audience

local public health administrators and local county emergency managers

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, learners should be able to:

  • Applythe principles of community-based planning in contributing to a jurisdictional risk assessment for all hazards
  • Expressthe role of risk assessment in developing emergency operations plans
  • Identifya risk-informed planning team and community partners
  • Determineresources and information necessary to analyzing threats, hazards, operational priorities, and courses of action
  • Recognizethe various items to consider when conducting a risk assessment
  • Applythe principles of community-based planning to developing and maintaining emergency operations plans (EOP)
  • Identifypublic and private community partners who may contribute to developing and maintaining emergency operations plans
  • Promotepreparedness training, and regular review and revision of the EOP
  • Providepreparedness guidance to community partners that may have a supporting role
  • Identifyand prioritize operation tasks for emergency planning

Pre-requisites/Learning Level

No pre-requisites

Competencies addressed

Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals identified

Domain 5: Community Dimensions of Practice Skills

  • 5A5. Collaborates with community partners to improve health in a community (e.g., participates in committees, shares data and information, connects people to resources)

CEUs Offered





Online Self-Pace


1 hour

Presenter(s) and/or Content Experts

Technical requirements:

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 
  • Flash Player 
  • Speakers

Registration requirements

Register a free account

Creation and/or update

June 27, 2012

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