Domain 1: Assess

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Learning Objectives for Domain 1: Assess

Objective 1
Discuss how health departments can lead/participate in a collaborative process resulting in a comprehensive community health assessment.

Objective 2
Discuss how health departments can collect and maintain reliable, comparable, and valid data that provide information on conditions of public health importance and on the health status of the population.

Objective 3
Explain how health departments analyze public health data to identify trends in health problems, environmental public health hazards, and social and economic factors that affect the public’s health.


Core Competencies
Analytical/Assessment Skills

1A2, 1B2, 1C2, 1A8, 1B8, 1C8, 1A9, 1B9, 1C9, 1A10, 1B10, 1C10, 1A13, 1B13, 1C13

Communication Skills
3A3, 3A4, 3A5



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