Links Notice

Please note that some of the courses contain links to government websites, which are currently being modified to comply with federal executive orders. You may be redirected to a different page on the government website or experience broken links.

Data and Information Systems

Category View: Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

County Recorder Overview

A photo of a smiling person in an office setting, overlaid by the course title

This course is designed to orient County Recorders and be used as a resource for the Cost Accounting System (CAS) and other features in IVES.

Electronic Death Registration System - Medical Examiner and Medical Examiner Investigator

Side view of hands typing on a laptop, with the course title above it.

This training is designed to orient new users to the IVES system, improve the reporting for cause of death, as well as, explore the fields related to the Preliminary Medical Examiner Report documentation for Electronic Medical Examiner Reporting (EMER).

Electronic Death Registration System - Medical Certifier

An outline map of the state of Iowa, with the course name written above.

This training is designed to orient new users to the IVES system.

Finding & Evaluating Health Information on the Internet

Hands typing at a computer keyboard

There are three sections in this course:

  • Section 1: Evaluating Health Information on the Internet
  • Section 2: Utilizing Databases for Finding Health Information on the Internet
  • Section 3: Education and Training Opportunities

There are review questions at the end of each part. These review questions will provide you with an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills presented in these parts. For a full description of requirements for...

More About This Course

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