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Please note that some of the courses contain links to government websites, which are currently being modified to comply with federal executive orders. You may be redirected to a different page on the government website or experience broken links.

Chronic Disease - Diabetes

Category View: Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

Diabetes Program

This series will include five online modules which provide learners a comprehensive, awareness-level understanding of diabetes, to enable them to effectively support, advise, and monitor programs, and services provided through community-based agencies, including Federally-Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs).  This series includes five training modules with each has their own set of pre and posttest questions.

  • Module 1 – Diabetes: The Basic Questions and Answers
  • ...
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Module 1: Diabetes: The Basic Questions and Answers

Cartoon version of hand prick with course title overlaid

Prevention and Management of Diabetes:  Current Community-Based Strategies

This course is also available as 5-module program on Diabetes within the Program Catalog


Diabetes, Diabetes Prevention, Diabetes Management, Diabetes Prevention Program, Community-Based Agencies, Social Determinants of Health


This series will include five online modules which provide learners...

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Module 2: A Closer Look at Diabetes

Photo of various pills, insulin bottles and a syringe, overlaid with course title

Prevention and Management of Diabetes:  Current Community-Based Strategies

This course is also available as 5-module program on Diabetes within the Program Catalog


Diabetes, Diabetes Prevention, Diabetes Management, Diabetes Prevention Program, Community-Based Agencies, Social Determinants of Health


This series will include five online modules which provide learners...

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Module 3: Social Determinants of Health and Diabetes

A hand writing various social factors with arrows all pointing inward to the words "Social Determinants of Health", overlaid with course title

Prevention and Management of Diabetes:  Current Community-Based Strategies

This course is also available as 5-module program on Diabetes within the Program Catalog


Diabetes, Diabetes Prevention, Diabetes Management, Diabetes Prevention Program, Community-Based Agencies, Social Determinants of Health


This series will include five online modules which provide learners...

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Module 4: Prediabetes: The Crisis We Can Prevent

A photo of a pile of fruit, hand weights, a stethoscope, and a glucose reader, overlaid with course title

Prevention and Management of Diabetes:  Current Community-Based Strategies

This course is also available as 5-module program on Diabetes within the Program Catalog


Diabetes, Diabetes Prevention, Diabetes Management, Diabetes Prevention Program, Community-Based Agencies, Social Determinants of Health


This series will include five online modules which provide learners...

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Module 5: Improving Diabetes Care and Outcomes

A overhead-view drawing of a doctor's desktop, overlaid with course title

Prevention and Management of Diabetes:  Current Community-Based Strategies

This course is also available as 5-module program on Diabetes within the Program Catalog


Diabetes, Diabetes Prevention, Diabetes Management, Diabetes Prevention Program, Community-Based Agencies, Social Determinants of Health


This series will include five online modules which provide learners...

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Open Learning

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