Resources and Training on NIMS and ICS

Courses Time (hrs) Registration Required Agency
Introduction to Incident Command System 3 Post Test only FEMA
IS-200a ICS for Single Resources and Action 3-8 Yes FEMA
IS-300 ICS for Single Resources and Action 12-16 Yes FEMA
IS-400 Advanced ICS Command and General Staff - Complex Incidents 8-12 Yes FEMA
IS-700a NIMS An Introduction 3 Post Test only FEMA
IS-701: NIMS Multiagency Coordination System 5 Post Test only FEMA
IS 800 NRP Introduction 9 Post Test only FEMA
Cmd and Gen Staff Functions for Local Incident Mgmt Teams 40-48 Yes FEMA/USFA/NFA
ICS/EOC Interface 12 Yes FEMA
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IS-100.HE Introduction to ICS for Higher Education Post Test only FEMA  

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IS-100: Introduction to Incident Command System

Institution: FEMA

Course Description: Incident Command training is being developed and offered for a variety of disciplines, including Federal Disaster Workers, Public Works, Law Enforcement, and Public Health. All of the ICS training offered through these courses is consistent. However, the various versions include examples and exercises specific to each of these disciplines.

Prerequisite: None.

CEUs: 0.3

Course Objectives:  ICS 100, Introduction to the Incident Command System, introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).

Target Audience:  Persons involved with emergency planning, response or recovery efforts.

Course Format: Independent Study

Time Requirement: Approximately 3 hours.

For on-line training:

Training is available from the Fire Service Training Bureau (888-469-2374) and the Iowa Central Homeland Security Training Center (800-362-2793, ext 1264) or

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IS-200: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents

Institution: FEMA

Course Description: ICS 200 is designed to enable personnel to operate efficiently during an incident or event within the Incident Command System (ICS). ICS-200 provides training on and resources for personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within the ICS.

Prerequisite: IS-100

CEUs: 0.3

Course Objectives: Leadership and management, delegation of authority and Management by Objectives, functional areas and positions, briefings, organizational flexibility, and transfer of command.

Target Audience:  Persons involved with emergency
planning, response or recovery efforts.

Course Format: Independent Study

Time Requirement: Approximately 3 hours.

For on-line training:

Training is available from the Fire Service Training Bureau (888-469-2374) and the Iowa Central Homeland Security Training Center (800-362-2793, ext 1264) or

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IS-300: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents

Institution: FEMA

Course Description: This course provides training on and resources for personnel who require advanced application of the Incident Command System (ICS).   This course expands upon information covered in ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses.  

Prerequisites: IS-100 and IS-200


Course Objectives: Describe how the NIMS Command and Management componentsupports the management of expanding incidents. Describe the incident/event management process for expanding incidents and supervisors as prescribed by the Incident Command System. Implement the incident management process
on a simulated Type 3 incident. Develop an Incident Action Plan for a simulated incident.  

Target Audience:  Middle management, strike team leaders, task force leaders, unit leaders, division/group supervisors, branch directors and Multi-Agency Coordination System/Emergency Operations Center staff.

Course Format: Independent Study

Time Requirement: Approximately 3 hours.

Training is available from the Fire Service Training Bureau (888-469-2374) and the Iowa Central Homeland Security Training Center (800-362-2793, ext 1264) or

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IS-400: Advanced ICS Command and General Staff – Complex Incidents

Institution: FEMA

Course Description: This course provides training on and resources for personnel who require advanced application of the Incident Command System (ICS).  This course expands upon information covered in ICS-100, ICS-200, and ICS-300 courses.  

Prerequisites: IS-100, IS-200, and IS-300


Course Objectives: Explain how major incidents engender special management challenges, describe the circumstances in which an Area Command is established, and describe the circumstances in which multi-agency coordination systems are established.

Target Audience: Senior personnel, middle management, strike team leaders, task force leaders, unit leaders, division/group supervisors, branch directors and Multi-Agency Coordination System/Emergency Operations Center staff.

Course Format: Direct Delivery

Time Requirement: Approximately 8-12 hours

Training is available from the Fire Service Training Bureau (888-469-2374) and the Iowa Central Homeland Security Training Center (800-362-2793, ext 1264) or

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IS-700: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents

Institution: FEMA

Course Description: The course explains the purpose, principles, key components andbenefits of NIMS. The course also contains "Planning Activity" screens giving you an opportunity to complete some planning tasks during this course. The planning activity screens are printable so that you can use them after you complete the course.  

Prerequisites: None.

CEUs: 0.3

Course Objectives: Concepts, ICS, Area Command, MACS, JIS, Preparedness, Resource Management, Communications, Technology, and NIC.

Target Audience:  All government, private-sector, and nongovernmental organizations.  

Course Format: Independent Study

Time Requirement: Approximately 3 hours

For on-line training:

Training is available from the Fire Service Training Bureau (888-469-2374) and the Iowa Central Homeland Security Training Center (800-362-2793, ext 1264) or

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IS-701: NIMS Multiagency Coordination System (MACS) Course

Institution: FEMA

Course Description: This 2 day course will describe to participants the components of a multi-agency coordination system and establish relationships between all elements of the system.

Prerequisites: N/A.  However, completion of IS-700, National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction is recommended.

CEUs: 0.5

Course Objectives: This 2 day course will describe to participants the components of a multi-agency coordination system and establish relationships between all elements of the system. After taking the course, students should be able to:

  • Define multi-agency coordination at the local, state, and Federal levels of government.
  • Identify each agency involved in incident management activities to ensure appropriate
     situational awareness and resources status information is shared through multi-agency
  • Identify typical priorities established between elements of the multi-agency coordination system
  • Define key terms related to multi-agency coordination systems
  • Describe the process of acquiring and allocating resources required by incident management
     personnel in relationship to the entire multi-agency coordination system
  • Identify typical future resource requirements for the entire multi-agency coordination system
  • Identify potential coordination and policy issues arising from an incident relative to the entire
     multi-agency coordination system

Target Audience: Federal, state, local and tribal emergency managers; first responders to include incident commanders from all emergency management disciplines; private industry personnel responsible for coordination activities during a disaster; and Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) personnel.

Course Format: Independent Study

Time Requirement: Approximately 5 hours


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IS-800: A National Response Plan (NRP), An Introduction

Institution: FEMA

Course Description: The National Response Plan, or NRP, describes how the Federal Government will work in concert with State, local, and tribal governments and the private sector to respond to disasters.

Prerequisites: None

CEUs: 0.3

Course Objectives: Purpose, roles and responsibilities, organization, incident management, and planning.

At the end of this course, you will be able to describe:

  • The purpose of the National Response Framework.
  • The response doctrine established by the National Response Framework.
  • The roles and responsibilities of entities as specified in the National Response Framework.
  • The actions that support national response.
  • The response organizations used for multiagency coordination.
  • How planning relates to national preparedness.

Target Audience:  This course introduces the NRP.  It is intended for DHS and other Federal staff responsible for implementing the NRP, and Tribal, State, local and private sector emergency management professionals.

Course Format: Independent Study

Time Requirement: Approximately 3 hours.


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Command and General Staff Functions for Local Incident Management Teams

Institution: FEMA/USFA/NFA

Course Description: This course provides training necessary to be part of a local/regional incident management team.  You learn the knowledge and skills needed to perform effectively in a team environment under stressful, dynamic conditions.

Prerequisites: ICS-100 and ICS-200.  ICS-300 and ICS-400 is recommended.


Course Objectives: This course covers information related to incidents at a local or regional level, involving local, mutual aid, regional, and some state resources.  It also includes a team-building component, development of an Incident Action Plan (IAP), and update to NIMS and the National Response Framework.

Target Audience: Response personnel that are part of a local or regional Incident Management Team, or local response personnel forming a local IMT.

Course Format: Classroom instruction

Time Requirement: Approximately 40-48 hours

Training is available from the Fire Service Training Bureau (888-469-2374).

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ICS/EOC Interface

Institution: FEMA

Course Description: This course provides an opportunity for participants to begin to develop an ICS/EOC interface for their communities.

Prerequisites: ICS-100 and ICS-200 is recommended.


Course Objectives: This course reviews ICS and EOC responsibilities and functions, and depends heavily on exercises and group discussions to formulate the interface.

Target Audience: Response personnel assigned to incident command structures, and those assigned to work in an EOC.

Course Format: Direct Delivery

Time Requirement: Approximately 12 hours

Training is available from the Fire Service Training Bureau (888-469-2374) and the Iowa Central Homeland Security Training Center (800-362-2793, ext 1264) or

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Additional Online Resources

on-line forms, training materials, field operations guide, etc.

National Integration Center (NIC) – Incident Management Systems Division
NIMS Training Requirements, documents, etc.

US Department of Labor – OSHA
forms, documents, planning, etc.

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IS-100.HE Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS-100, for Higher Education

Institution: FEMA

Course Description: This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of ICS.  It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). This course uses the same objectives and content as other ICS courses with higher education examples and exercises.

Prerequisites: Completion of IS 700A, National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction is recommended.

CEUs: 0.3

Course Objectives: At the completion of this course, you should be familiar with:

  • ICS applications in incidents at higher education institutions
  • ICS organizational principles and elements
  • ICS position and responsibilities
  • ICS facilities and functions
  • ICS planning

Target Audience: The primary audience includes persons involved with emergency planning, response and/or recovery efforts for higher education institutions.

Course Format: Independent Study

Time Requirement: Approximately 3 hours


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